Ceiling Material
Reclaimed wood really shines in ceiling applications, where designers can choose personalized milling options to bring out the old growth character from a variety of textures and species.
Weathered grey pine hardwood ceiling panels get a chance to stretch out in this open space ski lodge application, complementing reclaimed 50% original surface finish oak flooring.
Wall Paneling
While exterior barn siding is usually left with 100% or its original surface texture, interior barn wood applications are usually cleaner and less rustic than exterior applications, with either 0%, 25%, or 50% of the original surface texture remaining.
The hand hewn timbers used in this wall application adds a unique craft-made feel that complements the modern design with alternating light and dark timbers.
Customers can choose random or specific widths from 8" to 12"
3' to 12'
3/4" to 5/8"
Standard Milled Profiles
Tongue & Groove, Shiplap, Straight-line Rip
Kiln Drying
The kiln drying process ensures a stabilized finished product that won't shrink or cup after installation when stored in recommended conditions. All siding that is milled must be kiln dried to 6%–8% moisture content to ensure cooperation with our machines.